An open framework for evaluating correspondence in brain images and teaching neuroanatomy using anatomical fiducial placement



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  • The AFIDs protocol is an anatomical fiducial placement protocol that has been validated and used for teaching at a number of local and global BrainHack related events.
  • The protocol and study framework leverage open resources/tools and has been developed with full transparency in mind so that others may freely use, adopt, and modify.
  • AFID placement is reproducible, not overtly manually intensive (20-40 minutes once trained), and more sensitive to local registration errors than standard voxel overlap measures.
  • 60+ raters trained to date.



Input directory structure

The input directory with *_T1w.nii.gz and AFIDs .fcsv files should be setup as follows:

    ├── sub-<###>_*.fcsv
    ├── sub-<###>_*T1w.nii.gz
    └── ...
  • .fcsv is the 3D Slicer markups file with all 32 AFIDs defined for the relative T1w image
  • T1w.nii.gz is the T1w nifti file associated with the AFIDs markups


Edit the config/config.yaml file to include the paths to the following:

Variable Description
input_dir full path to where the input directory is stored
output_dir full path to where the pipeline should output the data
c3d_path path to the c3d install bin directory on your system

Running locally

  1. Clone a copy of this repository to your system:

    git clone
  2. Install the Python dependencies by opening a terminal, changing to the project directory and running:

    python -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Local run

All the following commands should be run in the root of the project directory.

  1. Convert source .fcsv files into a 3D mask using c3d:

    python /workflow/scripts/
  2. Running the training pipeline:

    python /workflow/scripts/
  3. Running the testing pipeline:

    python /workflow/scripts/