
Just a layout framework. Design for cross-platform with ease.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


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Flexi is a lightweight, mobile first, performance focused layout framework for Ember. Flexi makes building layouts that are fluid, responsive, and platform aware fun, easy and fast.

Flexi does most of it's heavy lifting at build time, happily adding very little runtime code and CSS to your project.

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ember install flexi

Once you have installed flexi, you will also need to install the shim for ember-app. in your ember-cli-build.js file. This shim makes ember-cli's template tree able to find the templates for layouts.

var EmberApp = require('ember-cli/lib/broccoli/ember-app');
var shim = require('flexi/lib/pod-templates-shim');


Support, Questions, Collaboration

Join the flexi channel on Slack.

Slack Status


With flexi, you can separate your markup into layouts, one for each breakpoint name defined in config/flexi.js.

Given the following breakpoint names: mobile, tablet, desktop.


ember g layout index/<size>

This will add the index/-layouts/<size>.hbs file to your application.

Layouts are compiled into a single template.hbs for the route or component which will activate the correct layout based on booleans provided by the device/layout service.

Layout booleans are available for use in any layout template. For instance, for the mobile breakpoint, you can include a conditional block with so:

{{#if FlexiLayout.isMobile}}


This is useful if you only need one or two layouts, but still need to make some smaller modifications for other breakpoints.

Example File Structure:

This is an example route structure using routes as the podModulePrefix and layouts



Sustain allows you to recycle a component instance across layout and route boundaries.

A sustain is essentially a "marker" for where a particular component instance is able to be reused. It allows you to explicitly declare what features of your app can be "recycled".

Sustain improves the performance of your app by reducing the amount of work your app needs to do. Instead of tearing down one instance and creating an entirely new instance, sustain seamlessly swaps a component instance's location as layouts and routes transition from one position to the next.

{{sustain <path-to-sustain> model}}

Only one instance of the sustainable is alive and rendered at a time, but if you are animating from one location to another you can choose to leave behind a copy.

{{sustain <path-to-sustain> model copy=true}}

By default, a sustain is destroyed when it has gone unused for one minute. You can alter this expiration. A value of 0 will cause the sustain to live forever.

{{sustain <path-to-sustain> expires=<time-in-ms>}}

Layout Attributes

Layout attributes are converted to classes at build time, giving you the convenience of a nice attribute syntax and the performance of class based selectors.


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@container breakpoints

Flexi uses a service with an optimized window resize handler and an optimized width calculator to efficiently add .container-<breakpoint-prefix> classes to <container> and <grid responsive> components. This results in the defined breakpoints using the width of the container instead of the width of the viewport.

Without rows

<grid responsive>
  <box xs="6" sm="4" md="3" lg="2">

With rows

  <vbox>  <!-- grid container -->
    <hbox>  <!-- row container -->
      <box xs="6" sm="4" md="3" lg="2"> <!-- row item -->

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Container is an Ember component which sets it's class depending on it's current width and your defined breakpoint prefixes. There are two forms of containers, <container> and <grid responsive>.

The container class will be of the form:


You can make any component a container by extending it with the flexi container mixin.

import Ember from 'ember';
import ContainerMixin from 'flexi/mixins/container';

export default Ember.Component.extend(ContainerMixin, {});

Layout Elements

Layout elements give you a declarative syntax for quickly composing common layout situations.


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Layout Components

Layout components allow you to use container based breakpoints instead of @media queries.

<grid responsive></grid>

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Mobile First Grid

With flexi, you can build grids with or without rows. Rows are convenient for item height resets with flexbox. Columns respond to @media breakpoints, but they can also respond to the container they are in.

You can choose which css, columns, column classes, gutters, and breakpoints to include. It's fully configurable

Without rows

  <box xs="6" sm="4" md="3" lg="2">

With rows

<vbox>  <!-- grid container -->
  <hbox>  <!-- row container -->
    <box xs="6" sm="4" md="3" lg="2"> <!-- row item -->

Without Columns

<vbox>  <!-- grid container -->
  <hbox>  <!-- row container -->
    <box fit> <!-- sizes to it's content -->
    <box fit>
    <box fit>
    <box> <!-- grows to fill the remaining space -->


Flexi adds a layout service to your app.


This service contains your breakpoints, as well as booleans which indicate when a given breakpoint is active.

This service also contains two booleans that can be used for orientation needs. orientationIsLandscape and orientationIsPortrait.

Example Layout

Here's an example of the common "email client" layout implemented with flexi, it shows how this pattern makes it easy to build layouts that are responsive not only within a single route, but across routes.

See Demo


this.route('emails', function() {
  this.route('index', { path: '/' });
  this.route('single', { path: '/:id' });


export default Route.extend({
  model() {
    return RSVP.hash({
      emails: this.get('store').findAll('email')


export default Route.extend({
  model() {
    return this.modelFor('emails');


{{#each model.emails as |email|}}
  <li>{{#link-to 'emails.single' email}}{{email.title}}{{/link-to}}</li>


    {{sustain 'emails/components/email-list' model}}


  <h2>Select an email on the left to get started</h2>


{{liquid-outlet "main"}}


      <vbox md="4">{{sustain 'emails/components/email-list' model}}</vbox>
    <vbox md="8">
        {{liquid-outlet "main"}}


The default blueprint will install config/flexi.js with the default settings.


  // the number of columns for the grid
  columns: 12,

  // optional, used for column classes: `${colPrefix}-${breakpointPrefix}-${columnNumber}`
  columnPrefix: 'col',

  // if false, @media css is not included
  includeMediaCSS: true,

  // if false, default element styles are not included
  includeElementCSS: true,

  // if true, will convert layout attributes on non-layout elements to classes as well
  transformAllElementLayoutAttributes: false,

  // grid and layout element gutters
  gutterPadding: '.5rem',

  // if false, no styles are included (trumps `includeMediaCSS` and `includeElementCSS`)
  includeCSS: true,

  // an array of breakpoints to use in your app (see below)
  breakpoints: []


Your config must have a breakpoints array. A breakpoint has the structure:

  { name: 'mobile', prefix: 'xs', begin: 0 }

name will be used for blueprint generation of layout names, and is made available as an is<Name> boolean on the device/layout service.

prefix is a shorthand for the breakpoint name used for column attributes, classes, and responsive utilities. With a prefix of xs.

begin is the pixel value at which the breakpoint becomes valid if equal to or larger than.

Using a breakpoint's prefix

.col-xs-1 ... .col-xs-n will be valid class names (if columnPrefix is set to col).

<box xs="n visible vertical">

Is valid shorthand for

<box class="col-xs-n visible-xs vertical-xs">

The following responsive utilities are made available for each prefix:

.nowrap-xs {}

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  • Open an Issue for discussion first if you're unsure a feature/fix is wanted.
  • Branch off of develop (default branch)
  • Use descriptive branch names (e.g. <type>/<short-description>)
  • Use Angular Style Commits
  • PR against develop (default branch).


Angular Style commit messages have the full form:

<type>(<scope>): <title>



But the abbreviated form (below) is acceptable and often preferred.

<type>(<scope>): <title>


  • chore(deps): bump deps in package.json and bower.json
  • docs(component): document the fast-action component


A special thanks goes out to @ebryn for the inspiration to pursue a solution for explicit layouts, and IsleofCode for providing the time to built it.