
some firmware

Primary LanguageCGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0



Firmware design files for controlling the hardware from https://github.com/greyltc/electronics and/or https://github.com/greyltc/hardware



git clone https://github.com/greyltc/firmware.git && cd firmware
# optionally do hacking on the source code here
docker buildx build --progress plain --target compile --tag fwbuilt --load .  # compile and save all build artifacts in a docker image
docker buildx build --progress plain --target export --output type=local,dest=. .  # export built firmware to local fs

You should now have various compiled firmware .hex files that are ready to flash.

Flash to hardware

Follow this if you'd like to program something with the firmware you've built.

From docker

If you've built with docker as described above, you could flash your hardware with the build artifacts in the fwbuilt image like this:

docker run --network=none --device=/dev/ttyACM0 fwbuilt pio run --project-dir /megaatmega2560_adc --target upload

where /dev/ttyACM0 is the serial port device associated with the hardware you're flashing and megaatmega2560_adc is the name of the previously built firmware. You can list the names of the previously built firmwares with docker run fwbuilt cat /revs.txt.

Via docker

If all you have is a firmware blob, you might be able to flash it via a docker image with something like (for atmega2560):

cat megaatmega2560_adc.hex | docker run --rm --interactive --network=none --device=/dev/ttyACM0 ghcr.io/greyltc-org/firmware-builder:20220713.0.152 /root/.platformio/packages/tool-avrdude/avrdude -v -p atmega2560 -C /root/.platformio/packages/tool-avrdude/avrdude.conf -c wiring -b 115200 -D -P "/dev/ttyACM0" -U flash:w:-:i

where /dev/ttyACM0 is the serial port device associated with the hardware you're flashing and megaatmega2560_adc.hex is the firmware blob you have. Or (for ATmega328PB):

cat ATmega328PB_ax0.hex | docker run --rm --interactive --network=none --device=/dev/ttyUSB1 ghcr.io/greyltc-org/firmware-builder:20220713.0.152 /root/.platformio/packages/tool-avrdude/avrdude -v -p atmega328pb -C /root/.platformio/packages/tool-avrdude/avrdude.conf -c arduino -b 115200 -D -P "/dev/ttyUSB1" -U flash:w:-:i
Directly from GitHub release


curl --location --silent https://github.com/greyltc/firmware/releases/latest/download/megaatmega2560_baseline.hex | docker run --rm --interactive --network=none --device=/dev/ttyACM0 ghcr.io/greyltc-org/firmware-builder:20220713.0.152 /root/.platformio/packages/tool-avrdude/avrdude -v -p atmega2560 -C /root/.platformio/packages/tool-avrdude/avrdude.conf -c wiring -b 115200 -D -P "/dev/ttyACM0" -U flash:w:-:i


curl --location --silent https://github.com/greyltc/firmware/releases/latest/download/ATmega328PB_ax0.hex | docker run --rm --interactive --network=none --device=/dev/ttyUSB1 ghcr.io/greyltc-org/firmware-builder:20220713.0.152 /root/.platformio/packages/tool-avrdude/avrdude -v -p atmega328pb -C /root/.platformio/packages/tool-avrdude/avrdude.conf -c arduino -b 115200 -D -P "/dev/ttyUSB1" -U flash:w:-:i

Specific version:

curl --location --silent https://github.com/greyltc/firmware/releases/download/v20220219.0.39/megaatmega2560_baseline.hex | docker run --rm --interactive --network=none --device=/dev/ttyACM0 ghcr.io/greyltc-org/firmware-builder:20220713.0.152 /root/.platformio/packages/tool-avrdude/avrdude -v -p atmega2560 -C /root/.platformio/packages/tool-avrdude/avrdude.conf -c wiring -b 115200 -D -P "/dev/ttyACM0" -U flash:w:-:i

Dump from hardware

For atmega2560 on /dev/ttyACM0 flash memory dumped into an Intel hex file, dump.hex:

docker run --rm --interactive --network=none --device=/dev/ttyACM0 ghcr.io/greyltc-org/firmware-builder:20220713.0.152 /root/.platformio/packages/tool-avrdude/avrdude -v -p atmega2560 -C /root/.platformio/packages/tool-avrdude/avrdude.conf -c wiring -b 115200 -D -P "/dev/ttyACM0" -U flash:r:-:i > dump.hex

For atmega328pb on /dev/ttyUSB1 flash memory dumped into an Intel hex file, dump.hex:

docker run --rm --interactive --network=none --device=/dev/ttyUSB1 ghcr.io/greyltc-org/firmware-builder:20220709.0.148 /root/.platformio/packages/tool-avrdude/avrdude -v -p atmega328pb -C /root/.platformio/packages/tool-avrdude/avrdude.conf -c arduino -b 115200 -D -P "/dev/ttyUSB1" -U flash:R:-:i > dump.hex