A collection of open source font specimen sheets, intended for print publication with Scribus
- 11ph22il
- afelicioni
- aleray
- bitjsonBitauth
- bjornmeansbearWjerk (@OOKB)
- c4rin3France
- chakler@typetonic
- CorentinBrule
- delMar43Austria
- enjoyli-hEugene, OR
- fitojbMictlān, Mēxihco
- fredgrottGrottWorkShop
- grayclhnAmazon
- heyjohfajohfatech
- juanportuguez
- kxN3krozoft Ltd
- leuro
- LosDragonflyos
- ms-studio@eracom
- mxmgmbsParis / Valence
- n8willisPhantom City, Texas
- nclmi like having company, yes
- npanoEzena
- peter7775Praha
- rhz0205
- rumey@dbca-wa
- ScoshThe USS Enterprise
- secondwtqSichuan University
- seecinq
- sjansen
- stieglitzz
- tofiasMilwaukee
- twardochFontlab Ltd.
- Unatine
- vmpn
- Wilker-uwuGuarulhos - São Paulo, Brazil