
some things on my _katerpillar_ board design



some things that tickle the brain- katerpillar board design, one of the Mnemonik series keyboards.

PCB is a retrofit drop-in for acrylic or aluminium phoenix 13u cases. (just different plates/mounting points)


  • The initial design points are ready.
  • PCB commisioned/done.
  • silk/mask "dark" design done/uploaded.
  • 2 katerpillar pcb variants: fixed and universal layouts. (fixed with pussible rgb logo led, needs code)
  • proto pcbs done and flashed, fixes discussed/applied

still to do: correct and clean-up qmk code; vial port; (generic qwerty map or an easier alternative to mnemonik layout, if anyone other wants to try?); add katerpillar novelty to possible upcoming keyset katerpillar_pcbs