
A better, seamless C++ wrapper around Cocoa collections (do not use)

Primary LanguageC++

To see how Hoard can help you, take a look at this code:

hoard int_array = hd(1,1,2,3,5,8,13);
NSLog(@"ints: %@", int_array.as<NSArray*>());

hoard dict = hd(@"apples",@"oranges",
NSLog(@"dict: %@", dict.as<NSDictionary*>());

Basically, Hoard takes a list of things (of arbitrary type) and then holds onto them. When you want to use them for something, specify the output type (which could be any of the Cocoa collections, or even std::vector<id>, std::set<id>, std::map<id,id>, etc).

To see how this stuff actually works, please visit the literate documentation here.