
Web Based (novnc) Ubuntu Linux Desktop (Mate) for Kubernetes

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Docker image and k8s manifests for running a web-based Linux Desktop.

Docker Hub

Quick Start

Create a NS and password secret

  $ kubectl create ns desktop
  $ kubectl create secret generic -n desktop vnc-password --from-literal=password='my_password'

Deploy the container

  $ kubectl create -f yml/ubuntu-desktop-deployment.yml

Optional: Create a service

  $ kubectl create -f yml/ubuntu-desktop-service.yml

port-forward to the desktop service

  kubectl port-forward service/ubuntu-desktop -n desktop 8080:80

Access the desktop UI


Clean up

  $ kubectl delete ns desktop

Run as a docker on localhost

  $ docker run -p 6080:80 --name ubuntu-desktop -v $HOME:/home/mate/mount jmcdice/k8s-ubuntu-desktop:latest
  # Browse to: http://localhost:6080/vnc.html