
This repository contains the output .csv file of CAISO operations data from the caiso_operations.py script. Data from 4/10/18 to present available


The CAISOdata.csv file contains 5-minute resolution data for supply, demand, and emissions in the CAISO balancing authority. This csv file was created using the script found at https://github.com/grgmiller/CAISO_operations. I will attempt to publish updates to this CSV file on a regular basis.

Description of Data

Column Name Description Column Format Data Unit
date Date MM/DD/YYYY N/A
month Month number (1-12) integer N/A
day Day Number (1-31) integer N/A
weekday Day of Week (0-6, where 0 = Sunday) integer N/A
hour Hour number (0-23) integer N/A
interval 5-min interval within each our (1-12, where 1 = 5-min period ending H:05) integer N/A
5min_ending 5-min interval end time (e.g. 03:10 is the period from 03:05 to 03:10) HH:MM N/A
demand_DayAF Day-ahead demand forecast integer MW
demand_HourAF Hour-ahead demand forecast integer MW
demand_actual Actual demand integer MW
demand_net Net demand (actual demand minus solar and wind supply) integer MW
wind_curtail_MW Wind supply curtailment (this data has a 1-2 month lag) float MW
solar_curtail_MW Solar supply curtailment (this data has a 1-2 month lag) float MW
solar_MW Solar supply integer MW
wind_MW Wind Supply integer MW
geothermal_MW Geothermal supply integer MW
biomass_MW Biomass supply integer MW
biogas_MW Biogas supply integer MW
sm_hydro_MW Small hydro supply integer MW
battery_MW Battery supply (negative = charging, positive = discharging) integer MW
renewable_MW Sum of all renewable supply (solar, wind, geothermal, biomass, biogas, small hydro, batteries) integer MW
natgas_MW Natural gas supply integer MW
lg_hydro_MW Large hydro supply integer MW
imports_MW Net supply from imports (negative = net exports) integer MW
nuclear_MW Nuclear supply integer MW
coal_MW Coal supply integer MW
other_MW Other supply (petroleum generators) integer MW
imports_co2 Emissions rate from imports integer metric Tons CO2 / hr
natgas_co2 Emissions rate from natural gas integer metric Tons CO2 / hr
biogas_co2 Emissions rate from biogas integer metric Tons CO2 / hr
biomass_co2 Emissions rate from biomass integer metric Tons CO2 / hr
geothermal_co2 Emissions rate from geothermal integer metric Tons CO2 / hr
coal_co2 Emissions rate from coal integer metric Tons CO2 / hr

All data downloaded from http://www.caiso.com/TodaysOutlook/Pages/default.aspx