
Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions factors derived from 40 CFR 98

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Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions factors derived from 40 CFR 98

Default CO2 Emission Factors for Various Types of Fuel

Source: https://www.ecfr.gov/cgi-bin/text-idx?SID=ae265d7d6f98ec86fcd8640b9793a3f6&mc=true&node=pt40.23.98&rgn=div5#ap40.23.98_138.1 Created February 10, 2020

All data in units of kg CO2/mmbtu of fuel

co2_emission_factors = {
    'Anthracite':	103.69,
    'Bituminous':	93.28,
    'Subbituminous':	97.17,
    'Lignite':	97.72,
    'Coal Coke':	113.67,
    'Mixed Coal (Commercial sector)':	94.27,
    'Mixed Coal (Industrial coking)':	93.90,
    'Mixed Coal (Industrial sector)':	94.67,
    'Mixed Coal (Electric Power sector)':	95.52,
    'Natural Gas (Weighted U.S. Average)':	53.06,
    'Distillate Fuel Oil No. 1':	73.25,
    'Distillate Fuel Oil No. 2':	73.96,
    'Distillate Fuel Oil No. 4':	75.04,
    'Residual Fuel Oil No. 5':	72.93,
    'Residual Fuel Oil No. 6':	75.10,
    'Used Oil':	74.00,
    'Kerosene':	75.20,
    'Liquefied petroleum gases (LPG)': 61.71,
    'Propane': 62.87,
    'Propylene': 67.77,
    'Ethane': 59.60,
    'Ethanol': 68.44,
    'Ethylene': 65.96,
    'Isobutane': 64.94,
    'Isobutylene': 68.86,
    'Butane': 64.77,
    'Butylene': 68.72,
    'Naphtha':  68.02,
    'Natural Gasoline': 66.88,
    'Other Oil':  76.22,
    'Pentanes Plus':	70.02,
    'Petrochemical Feedstocks':	71.02,
    'Special Naphtha':	72.34,
    'Unfinished Oils':	74.54,
    'Heavy Gas Oils':	74.92,
    'Lubricants':	74.27,
    'Motor Gasoline':	70.22,
    'Aviation Gasoline':	69.25,
    'Kerosene-Type Jet Fuel':	72.22,
    'Asphalt and Road Oil':	75.36,
    'Crude Oil':	74.54,
    'Petroleum Coke':	102.41,
    'Propane Gas':	61.46,
    'Municipal Solid Waste':	90.7,
    'Tires':	85.97,
    'Plastics':	75.00,
    'Blast Furnace Gas':	274.32,
    'Coke Oven Gas':	46.85,
    'Fuel Gas': 59.00,
    'Wood and Wood Residuals (dry basis)': 93.80,
    'Agricultural Byproducts':	118.17,
    'Peat':	111.84,
    'Solid Byproducts':	105.51,
    'Landfill Gas':	52.07,
    'Other Biomass Gases':	52.07,
    'Ethanol':	68.44,
    'Biodiesel (100%)':	73.84,
    'Rendered Animal Fat':	71.06,
    'Vegetable Oil':	81.55

Default CO2 Emission Factors for Various Types of Power Generation Fuels

Based on eGRID 2018 using AR5 GWP with climate-carbon feedback all units in kg CO2e/mmbtu

fuel_type_co2e_emission_factor = {
    'AB':	120.510,
    'ANT':	104.388,
    'BFG':	274.354,
    'BIT':	94.255,
    'BLQ':	101.280,
    'COG':	46.893,
    'DFO':	74.361,
    'H':	0.000,
    'JF':	72.501,
    'KER':	75.477,
    'LFG':	57.673,
    'LIG':	97.212,
    'MSB':	93.040,
    'MSN':	93.040,
    'MSW':	93.040,
    'MWH':	0.000,
    'NG':	53.080,
    'NUC':	0.000,
    'OBG':	57.673,
    'OBL':	84.275,
    'OBS':	107.839,
    'OG':	53.080,
    'PC':	102.692,
    'PG':	61.742,
    'PRG':	53.080,
    'PUR':	0.000,
    'RC':	96.369,
    'RFO':	74.298,
    'SGP':	53.080,
    'SLW':	84.275,
    'SUB':	97.875,
    'SUN':	0.000,
    'TDF':	88.314,
    'WAT':	0.000,
    'WC':	96.369,
    'WDL':	84.275,
    'WDS':	96.143,
    'WH':	0.000,
    'WND':	0.000,
    'WO':	79.671,