This repo holds a few basic p5.js examples that uses the models trained with Google's teachable machine prototype.
Here are examples of image, audio, and pose classifier.
- Image classifier
- Image classifier on images
- Image classifier on webcam
- Image classifier with a lamp
- Audio classifier
- Audio classifier on the microphone
- Poses classifier
- Poses classifier on webcam
Image classifier on images demo: Try it live
Image classifier on webcam demo: Try it live
Audio classifier on the microphone demo: Try it live
Poses classifier on the webcam demo: Try it live
Go to your terminal:
$ git clone
$ cd teachable-machine-p5
$ python -m SimpleHTTPServer # $ python3 -m http.server (if you are using python 3)
Go to localhost:8000
in your browser, you will see a directory list like this:
- audioclassifier/
- imageclassifier/
- poseclassifier/
Click into each folder, you will see the examples.
- [Your full name](Your portfolio link/twitter/Instagram/any link you like), [Project name](Your blog link with images/videos), Project short description, [Live demo](optional, live demo link)
- Khensu-Ra Inevitable
- Caleb - Screen Locker
- Daniel - Create your GUI with OSCAR
- Dylan - Move the Little Dude, Use hand gestures to move a character.
- Eva - link
- Vince - Vince MingPu Shao, Teachable Snake, Teachable Snake is a classic snake game controlled by webcam image, powered by Tensorflow.js and Teachable Machine by Google, using pre-trained neural network models., Live demo
- Eva Philips, Mood Agent, Keep the ball afloat by saying the word "Happy"
- Caleb Savage, Screen Locker Obscure the web page when the camera can't recognize my face.
- Dylan, Duet Machine, Tired of singing duets alone? Try this machine!