- 10
TagBot trigger issue
#29 opened by JuliaTagBot - 1
PETSc artifact with MUMPS
#102 opened by pmartorell - 0
PETSc nonlinear solve not producing correct solution for transient problems
#101 opened by tamaratambyah - 0
Compatibility with PETSc_jll.jl v0.16+
#95 opened by JordiManyer - 0
Support for complex numbers
#94 opened by HelgeGehring - 1
Missing `PCFieldSplit` support
#87 opened by oriolcg - 1
Efficiency of the Garbage Collection
#88 opened by JordiManyer - 12
Assertion error in solve! for transient operators
#81 opened by oriolcg - 7
Concurrent subdomain-wise assembly?
#86 opened by prj- - 0
PETSc Error
#85 opened by DevasmitDutta - 1
- 1
Add test associated with the fix in PR #75
#78 opened by fverdugo - 3
Mpi tests finish successfully even thought there are errors in the launched MPI processes
#71 opened by fverdugo - 2
Misc tasks towards large-scale linear and nonlinear problems with GridapDistributed + GridapPETSc
#52 opened by fverdugo - 0
test/sequential/ElasticityDriver.jl fails with PETSc compiled in DEBUG mode on my machine
#54 opened by amartinhuertas - 4
Improving PETSc SNES support
#45 opened by amartinhuertas - 0
Misc tasks
#34 opened by amartinhuertas - 1
- 1
Store MPI.Comm in PetscVector and PetscMatrix
#51 opened by fverdugo - 2
- 2
- 2
- 2
Rename init! and finalize!
#8 opened by fverdugo