
Client for Veta, Backup for OpenStack powered by Gridcentric

Primary LanguagePython

Veta Client

Python novaclient extension for Veta (https://github.com/gridcentric/veta).


To install the Veta novaclient extension, clone the repository and run:

sudo python setup.py install


To see a list of Veta commands, use nova help:

$ nova help |grep backup-schedule

Each command has contextual help:

$ nova help backup-schedule-add
usage: nova backup-schedule-add <server> <frequency> <retention>

Add a backup schedule rule to this instance.

Positional arguments:
  <server>     ID or name of the instance
  <frequency>  Frequency with which to perform backups (e.g. 10m, 1h, 1d
  <retention>  Number of backups to retain (e.g. 1h, 1d, 1w)

To add a backup schedule to an instance, use the nova backup-schedule-add command:

$ nova backup-schedule-add test 1h 1d
| ID         | Frequency  | Retention        | Active |
| b-3xn7n87k | Every hour | For the last day | True   |

To list backup schedules for an instance, use the nova backup-schedule-list command:

$ nova backup-schedule-list test
| ID         | Frequency  | Retention        | Active |
| b-3xn7n87k | Every hour | For the last day | True   |

To list backups of an instance, use the nova backup-schedule-list-backups command:

$ nova backup-schedule-list-backups test
| ID                                   | Timestamp                  | Schedules      |
| 87a1b15b-7acc-4fe4-a6ad-2df4f2415bcd | 2013-10-15T23:56:00.000000 | ["b-3xn7n87k"] |
| c928dad2-cdbb-4b73-9d91-437f63e703d5 | 2013-10-16T00:56:00.000000 | ["b-3xn7n87k"] |

To delete a backup schedule, and all associated backups, use the nova backup-schedule-delete command:

$ nova backup-schedule-delete test b-3xn7n87k

To delete all backup schedules for an instance, use the nova backup-schedule-clear command:

$ nova backup-schedule-clear test

Backup schedules can be disabled, enabled, and updated using the backup-schedule-disable, backup-schedule-enable, and backup-scehdule-update commands, respectively.