
Publish godoc for private repositories

Primary LanguageGo

Godoc Service

This service publishes godoc for private GitHub repositories and designed to be deployed using Kubernetes and Ambassador Edge Stack.

Installation and deployment instructions

  1. Get a GitHub personal access token with access to your repository.
  2. Create a secret in your cluster named godoc-service-config with the token and the repositories you want to access:
kubectl create secret generic godoc-service-config --from-literal=githubToken=a17531d296845a1c16dd67df38065c1ee55c067 --from-literal=githubRepos="ambassadorlabs/godoc-service;datawire/ambassador"
  1. Create an Ambassador Project resource to build and deploy this service directly into Kubernetes from GitHub:
apiVersion: getambassador.io/v2
kind: Project
 name: my-doc-repo
 namespace: default
 host:  objective-nash-360.edgestack.me
 prefix: /doc/
 githubRepo: ambassadorlabs/godoc-service
 githubToken:  a17531d296845a1c16dd67df38065c1ee55c067
  1. Create an Ambassador Filter to enable Single Sign-On.