
Go language binding for Univa Grid Engine DRMAA2 C API

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


DRMAA2 Go (#golang) API for job submission, job workflow management, and HPC cluster monitoring.

This Go API is a wrapper around the DRMAA2 C APIs. It is not yet finished. Improvements, bug reports, and pull requests are welcome. DRMAA2 Go API is not yet standardized but a draft (based on this implementation) is available here: http://redmine.ogf.org/projects/drmaav2-go-binding/repository


  1. Download / Install Univa Grid Engine (see http://www.univa.com) Univa Grid Engine is currently the only cluster scheduler which supports the DRMAA2 standard. A quick guide to get it installed you can find in my blog article: http://www.gridengine.eu/index.php/grid-engine-internals/209-installing-a-univa-grid-engine-demo-cluster-with-one-command-2014-07-13

    Note that Univa Grid Engine is commercial.

  2. Be sure that you have Grid Engine in your path (i.e. $SGE_ROOT is set)

    You can test this by calling qhost / qstat / ..... Usually this is done by calling source /path/where/grid/engine/is/installed/default/common/settings.sh

    Note that "default" is the CELL directory which can be different to "default".

  3. Clone the project with git tools in your go source path (github.com/dgruber/drmaa2).

  4. Call build.sh


Please check out a detailed example which exploits the monitoring session and creates a webserver hosting the cluster status information.


