Set up


  • Get the .env file
  • Start a local Postgres and Redis server using make postgres-up
  • (Optional) Start a local gridoai-ml instance for faster and cheaper development
  • Run make dev


  • Set KEY_PATH to the path of your private key file
  • Run make deploy

Changing LLM settings

  • Start the litellm server using litellm --config litellm-config.yaml. This will print in which port the server is running.
  • Set the litellm endpoint in the .env file, e.g. OPENAI_ENDPOINT=


  • Create a test.env file
    • USE_MOCK_LLM should be set to true
    • Redis and Postgres connection strings should be set to the test containers
    • Embedding api endpoint should be set to a local instance of gridoai-ml
  • Start the API server using make dev
  • Start the test containers using docker compose up
  • Run make test to run the tests