
Postman collection for the Griffin API

Griffin API Postman Collection


This repository is no longer the source of truth for our public postman collection. Please see the collection directly on postman

Getting started

  1. Register for a Griffin sandbox account, if you haven't already.
  2. Follow our getting started with the API guide to learn how to create an API key and make simple requests.
  3. Install Postman

Import collection

In your Postman workspace, click Import, then you can choose to either download our collection JSON file and select it as a file, or copy its contents and import as 'raw text'.

You can also import using the direct link to the collection.

Set your API key

Once you have your API key, set it as an environment variable named griffin-api-key, within your workspace.

Making requests

Each request in the Griffin collection has a Postman test that runs on the response. This test will interrogate each response body and for every URL assign a corresponding Postman environment variable.

As an example, when making the Index request (in the setup folder), you'll see the response body includes an api-key-url, among others. You should also now see a Postman environment variable named api-key-url with the URL as the value. We lean on this to easily 'navigate' the API from the root rather than hardcode routes and interpolate resource IDs.

Using the Postman Collection

Within our collection you'll find three top-level folders: Setup, Reference, and Guides.


Once you have your API configured, the first thing you'll want to do is run the Setup folder. This make a series of API requests from the index route and populate a bunch of Postman environment variables that you'll need to do anything useful, e.g. your organization-url, organization-corporations-url etc.


As a companion to our API reference documentation, here you'll find individual requests grouped by resource.


Currently the collection has the Onboard your customers guide. It includes the series of API calls described in our Onboarding your Customers guide.