Error in user YAML: (<unknown>): could not find expected ':' while scanning a simple key at line 2 column 1
tags: delegate,protocol,views

Validated Sign Up


  1. Set up the delegate for all of your UITextFields.
  2. Implement validation when a user taps the return button on the keyboard. Check out the documentation for which method you need.
  3. The validation rules are as follows: * First Name:
    • 0 characters

    • No Digits * Last Name:
    • 0 characters

    • No Digits * Email:
    • 0 characters

    • valid email format (something@something.something) * Username:
    • 0 characters

    • No Digits * Password:
    • 6 characters

  4. Google for at least 20 minutes to figure out a method to validate email and make sure there are no digits. You don't need to understand...just find one that works 😆 . If you can't figure it out after 20 minutes, decrypt the validators.txt file in this repo on Ask one of the instructors for the password.
  5. When the user taps return one each field. You should validate it, then present a UIAlertController with an appropriate error message. The alert view should have two buttons: OK and Clear. When you press Clear it should clear the currently editing textfield.
  6. If the input passes validation, then set the enabled property of the next UITextField equal to YES.
  7. When the password is correct, enable the sign up button.


  • To dismiss the keyboard call resignFirstResponder instance method on the currently editing UITextField. To move the focus to another UITextField call the becomeFirstResponder instance method on the UITextField you want to be focused.

Extra Credit

  • This lab lends itself to some messy code if you don't put a lot of thought into the software design. How clean can you make the code? Remember each method should be short. Minimal copy-paste. Descriptive Names. Be prepared to defend your code.