tags languages
arrays, iteration, methods, todo

Badges and Schedules


In this lab you'll be using methods to iterate through an array and return output in different ways. This time we'll be working below the following method in FISAppDelegate.

-(BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application
  didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions

Background: You're helping out at the Apple Worldwide Developers Conference conference and need to print badges for the speakers. Each badge should say: "Hello, my name is _____." The list of speakers for your conference has been finalized. Your conference speakers are: @"Edsger", @"Ada", @"Charles", @"Alan", @"Grace", @"Linus" and @"Wozniak". How you scored these luminaries is beyond me, but way to go! Now you'll want to get their badges printed.

  1. In FISAppDelegate.h, declare three methods:
-(NSString *)badgeMaker:(NSString *)attendee;
-(NSArray *)batchBadgeCreator:(NSArray *)attendees;
-(NSArray *)assignRooms:(NSArray *)attendees;
  1. Define these 3 methods in FISAppDelegate.m, under application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions.

    1. For the badgeMaker method, take a parameter attendee and return an NSString that says "Hello, my name is ___.".
    2. For the batchBadgeMaker method, take a parameter attendees and return an array of speaker badges, each of which will say "Hello, my name is ___."
    3. For the assignRooms method, take a parameter attendees and return an array of very polite room assignments, each of which will say "Hello, ___! You'll be assigned to room ___!", where room ___ is a number from 1-7, in the order that the names appear in the array.
  2. Have fun and make the tests pass... they want you to succeed, so pay attention to what they're telling you when they fail :)