
This is a little web site generator, just for me, so I can publish journal entries, if I want.

It uses hemingway to parse individual journal entries and a hacky treetop parser I rigged together just to parse my journal structure.

generally, how it works.

I've got this big latex document right? It's my journal, I'd like to share it online with people. But I want to restrict what certain people can see.

So I need some from of authentication. But that doesn't mean I should get involved with a dynamic site on rails or whatever, I'm still just serving up static files, ideally.

Because there are only a handful of people who will want access to this, I could just generate an index page of the journal for each person and put it in its own directory with a .htaccess file to permission them.


I put my authentication in latex comments inline with the journal.

At the top of the file I'll say something like

	% register: roymuntz password123
	% register: griffinmyers qwerty
	% whitelist: motherbear eastereggs
	% public: resume

to register a user. If I register someone via the whitelist command then it will opt them into seeing every single post. I must use that cautiously.

The public declaration will produce a user that is not required to authenticate.

Then in a post (all my posts use the \section{} tag) I can say something like

	\section{March 24$^th$, 2013}
	% show: roymuntz
	Dear Journal, ....
