IP search based on IPIP.net
Install the gem:
gem install ipip
Then use it in your application:
require 'ipip'
# => Format: "国家\t省份或直辖市\t地区或城市"
IPIP.find('') # => "本机地址\t本机地址\t\t"
IPIP.find('') # => "**\t北京\t北京\t"
IPIP.find('') # => "**\t江苏\t镇江\t"
IPIP.find('www.douban.com') # => "**\t北京\t北京\t"
If you have DATX
require 'ipip'
# => Format: "国家\t省份或直辖市\t地区或城市\t学校或单位\t运营商\t纬度\t经度\t时区1\t时区2\t行政代码.."
IPIPX.find('') # => "**\t天津\t天津\t\t鹏博士\t39.125596\t117.190182\tAsia/Shanghai\tUTC+8\t120000\t86\tCN\tAP"
IPIPX.find("") # => "**\t广东\t广州\t\t电信\t23.125178\t113.280637\tAsia/Shanghai\tUTC+8\t440100\t86\tCN\tAP"
IPIPX.find("") # => "**\t浙江\t杭州\t\t电信\t30.287459\t120.153576\tAsia/Shanghai\tUTC+8\t330100\t86\tCN\tAP"
IPIPX.find("") # => "114DNS\t114DNS\t\tgreatbit.com\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t*\t*"
You can try running ipip [ip | domain]
$ ipip
Location for ** 江苏 镇江
$ ipip douban.com
Location for douban.com: ** 北京 北京
- Fork the repository.
- Create a topic branch.
- Implement your feature or bug fix.
- Add, commit, and push your changes.
- Submit a pull request.
Released under the MIT license.