
obs-cmd is a OBS cli for obs-websocket v5 the current obs-studio implementation. It is useful on Wayland Linux or to control OBS via terminal

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT

obs-cmd - a minimal obs CLI for obs-websocket v5

I was used to obs-cli but it doesn't support obs-websocket 5



Just a minimal API is supported

obs-cmd --help
obs-cmd scene switch <scene>
obs-cmd scene switch @cam-front
obs-cmd scene-collection switch <collection>
obs-cmd scene-item toggle <scene> <item>
obs-cmd toggle-mute Mic/Aux
obs-cmd recording toggle
obs-cmd recording status
obs-cmd streaming start
obs-cmd virtualcam start
obs-cmd save-screenshot <source> <format> <file_path> [--width WIDTH] [--height HEIGHT] [--compression-quality COMPRESSION_QUALITY]
obs-cmd replay toggle
obs-cmd replay save
obs-cmd replay status
obs-cmd replay last-replay
obs-cmd info
obs-cmd --websocket obsws://localhost:4455/secret info # You can override the default `obsws` url

You can override the websocket URL, which can be found in OBS -> Tools -> WebSocket Server Settings. localhost for the hostname will work for most, instead of the full IP address. If you set the password as secret you can avoid to specify the --websocket argument.


Using the provided Binaries

Download obs-cmd, pick the correct binary for your OS, example obs-cmd-linux-amd64


type in the terminal:

chmod +x obs-cmd-linux-amd64 && sudo mv obs-cmd-linux-amd64 /usr/local/bin/obs-cmd

Installing From Source

First ensure that Rust is installed on your system. Clone the repo to your local system:

git clone https://github.com/grigio/obs-cmd.git

Next cd into the cloned directory then at the top-level of the directory run:

cargo build --release

Once the build is complete you may move the produce binary into an approriate binary location, such as /usr/local/bin:

sudo cp target/release/obs-cmd /usr/local/bin/obs-cmd

Installing on Arch Linux

The obs-cmd package is maintained on the Arch User Repository.

Ensure that rust is installed for access to cargo.

To install obs-cmd you can either use an AUR helper of your choice such as yay or aurman or download the PKGBUILD directly and use makepkg to produce the finished package:

wget https://aur.archlinux.org/cgit/aur.git/snapshot/obs-cmd.tar.gz

Untar the .tar.gz file:

tar xvzf obs-cmd.tar.gz

cd into the directory:

cd obs-cmd

Run makepkg to produce the installable package:

makepkg -s

And finally use pacman to install the produced package (your version number may vary):

sudo pacman -U obs-cmd-0.15.3-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst

Example Usage

$ obs-cmd recording start 
Recording started
Result: Ok(())
$ obs-cmd recording stop 

$ obs-cmd info
Version: Version { obs_version: Version { major: 29, minor: 1, patch: 1 }, obs_web_socket_version: Version { major: 5, minor: 2, patch: 2 }, rpc_version: 1, available_requests: ..

$ obs-cmd save-screenshot "OBS Source" "jpg" "/home/user/screenshot/test.jpg" --width 1920 --height 1080 --compression-quality 100
Saved screenshot to path: "/home/user/screenshot/test.jpg"


Donations are welcome and will go towards further development of this project
