
Status: Done. A script which moves the cards on my daily-routines-Trello-board from "done" to "todo"

Primary LanguagePython


A script which helps to automate activities with my Trello boards.

instruments used

  • Python for backend
  • Poetry for virtual environment
  • Raspberry Pi for a server

activity algorithm

Find all the cards in my "doing" and "done" daily-routines-Trello-boards >>> move all the cards to "todo" every day at 6 am.


python3 - poetry install
ln -s -f /home/user/trello/trello.service /etc/systemd/system/trello.service
ln -s -f /home/user/trello/trello.timer /etc/systemd/system/trello.timer
echo TRELLO_API_KEY=foo > /home/user/trello/.env
echo TRELLO_API_SECRET=bar >> /home/user/trello/.env