A little Ruby wrapper for the PageGlimpse API for generating webpage snapshots – glimpses – in a snap.
sudo gem install jnunemaker-httparty
sudo gem install grimen-page_glimpse
You’ll need a API key, which you can get for free here:
snapper = PageGlimpse.new('ec0ccd....26df') # => nil
Tell PageGlimpse to generate a webpage thumbnail:
snapper.request!('http://mypage.com') # => true/false
Check if thumbnail exists for a webpage:
snapper.exists?('http://techcrunch.com', :size => :medium) # => true/false
Get direct URL for a cached webpage thumbnail image:
snapper.thumbnail_url('http://techcrunch.com', :size => :large) # => 'http://images.pageglimpse.com/v1/thumbnails?url=http://techcrunch.com&size=large&devkey=ec0ccd....26df'
Get thumbnail (PNG image) for a webpage:
snapper.thumbnail('http://techcrunch.com', :size => :small) # => [raw PNG data]
Save thumbnail into a file (PNG image) for a webpage:
snapper.save!('http://techcrunch.com', '/Users/kid_icarus/techcrunch_thumbnail.png', :size => :large) # => true/false
Yes, all the PageGlimpse API options are supported but not documented in this README right now. Peep the code and read more about the options: http://www.pageglimpse.com/features/api.
Copyright © Jonas Grimfelt, released under the MIT-license.