
A robust connection URI parser/stringifier - for Python.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

connection-uri PyPI version Build Status Coverage Status

A robust connection URI parser/stringifier - for Python.


This connection URI library was implemented in lack of robust Python alternatives. This one supports absolute/relative multi-host connection URIs with smart fallbacks.


Install using pip:

$ pip install connection-uri


Very basic example:

import connection_uri

basic_connection_uri = 'localhost:3000/namespace/foo/'
basic_connection_options = connection_uri.unpack(basic_connection_uri)

print('\nconnection_uri.unpack({0})\n\n{1}\n'.format(basic_connection_uri, basic_connection_options))
# {
#     'protocol': 'http',
#     'auth': None,
#     'endpoint': 'localhost:3000',
#     'endpoints': ['localhost:3000'],
#     'host': 'localhost',
#     'hosts': ['localhost'],
#     'port': 3000,
#     'ports': [3000],

#     'path': '/namespace/foo/',
#     'query': {},
#     'credentials': {
#         'username': None,
#         'password': None,
#     },
#     'key': 'namespace/foo',
#     'namespace': 'namespace/foo',
#     'url': 'http://localhost:3000/namespace/foo/',
#     'urls': [
#         'http://localhost:3000/namespace/foo/'
#     ],
# }

basic_connection_uri = connection_uri.pack(basic_connection_options)

print('\nconnection_uri.pack({0})\n\n{1}\n'.format(basic_connection_options, basic_connection_uri))
# 'http://localhost:3000/namespace/foo/'


complex_multihost_uri = 'foo://m+4.gTe~5e^(:m+4.gTe~5e^(@ds143144-a0.mlab.com:43144,ds143144-a1.mlab.com:43145/bar-baz'
complex_multihost_options = connection_uri.unpack(complex_multihost_uri)

print('\nconnection_uri.unpack({0})\n\n{1}\n'.format(complex_multihost_uri, complex_multihost_options))
# {
#     'protocol': 'foo',
#     'auth': 'm+4.gTe~5e^(:m+4.gTe~5e^(',
#     'host': 'ds143144-a0.mlab.com',
#     'port': 43144,
#     'endpoint': 'ds143144-a0.mlab.com:43144',
#     'endpoints': ['ds143144-a0.mlab.com:43144', 'ds143144-a1.mlab.com:43145'],
#     'host': 'ds143144-a0.mlab.com',
#     'hosts': ['ds143144-a0.mlab.com', 'ds143144-a1.mlab.com'],
#     'port': 43144,
#     'ports': [43144, 43145],
#     'path': '/bar-baz',
#     'query': {},
#     'credentials': {
#         'username': 'm+4.gTe~5e^(',
#         'password': 'm+4.gTe~5e^(',
#     },
#     'key': 'bar-baz',
#     'namespace': 'bar-baz',
#     'url': 'foo://m+4.gTe~5e^(:m+4.gTe~5e^(@ds143144-a0.mlab.com:43144,ds143144-a1.mlab.com:43145/bar-baz',
#     'urls': [
#         'foo://m+4.gTe~5e^(:m+4.gTe~5e^(@ds143144-a0.mlab.com:43144/bar-baz',
#         'foo://m+4.gTe~5e^(:m+4.gTe~5e^(@ds143144-a1.mlab.com:43145/bar-baz'
#     ],
# }

complex_multihost_uri = connection_uri.pack(complex_multihost_options)

print('\nconnection_uri.pack({0})\n\n{1}\n'.format(complex_multihost_options, complex_multihost_uri))
# 'foo://m+4.gTe~5e^(:m+4.gTe~5e^(@ds143144-a0.mlab.com:43144,ds143144-a1.mlab.com:43145/bar-baz'

# NOTE: see tests for more advanced examples, e.g. the library handles absolute and relative URIs, etc.


Clone down source code:

$ make install

Run colorful tests, with only native environment (dependency sandboxing up to you):

$ make test

Run less colorful tests, with multi-environment (using tox):

$ make test-tox


This project was mainly initiated - in lack of solid existing alternatives - to be used at our work at Markable.ai to have common code conventions between various programming environments where Python (research, CV, AI) is heavily used.


Released under the MIT license.