
A sample iOS/Swift3 app that demonstrates the capability of KITT.AI Snowboy.

Primary LanguageSwift


This is a sample iOS app written in Swift 3 that demonstrates the capabilities of KITT.AI Snowboy

See KITT.AI Snowboy here: https://github.com/Kitt-AI/snowboy

This example code has been merged into: https://github.com/Kitt-AI/snowboy/tree/master/examples/iOS/Swift3


  • SnowboyWrapper.h is the Objective-C wrapper for the Snowboy C++ library, which allows Swift 3 code to reference.
  • SnowboyWrapper.h does not implement all the methods defined in snowboy-detect.h, only the most important ones, but feel free to add your own.
  • ViewController.swift cointains the example usage of Snowboy, which records your voice for 2 seconds and run Snowboy detection. If the result shows 1, then it is a match; 0 means no match; -2 means silent.