
SuperCold the Super Hot Remake, er recreation of the effect, with less money and more love! Made with Unity and love!

Primary LanguageC#


I essentially wanted to create or recreate the superhot effect, where time only moves when the player moves. Therefore if the player doesn't move, then time either stands still or moves very slow! This is essentially a successfull attempt at creating that, from scratch, with my own logic/code, with no help and within 2 hours. All of the assets included are FREE ASSETS and therefore allow people to have complete access to the source and the entire project! Use this for learning or for building something unique! Further Information can be found here and a tutorial(I made). http://armedunity.com/topic/9239-super-hot-time-based-movement/

2014 Sean Loper Grimmdev@gmail.com

Be sure to say thanks if you enjoyed :)