CENSO - Commandline ENergetic SOrting of Conformer Rotamer Ensembles

Primary LanguagePythonGNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0


This is the updated version of the former CENSO 1.3 program. New features include the possibility to use CENSO as a package from within Python, template files, dummy functionals, json outputs, and more! For more information about the use and the capabilities of CENSO 2.0 visit the documentation here.


Can be installed using pip by running

pip install .

If you want to install and run CENSO without pip you can add the CENSO/src directory to your $PYTHONPATH and add CENSO/bin to your $PATH.


Basic usage:

python3 -m censo -i [path to ensemble input] --maxcores [number of cores] ...

For information about command line options use the -h option.

If you want to run it via helper script after adding it to your $PATH:

censo -i [path to ensemble input] --maxcores [number of cores]

Please note that the --maxcores option is required for every run.

CENSO can also be used as a package. A basic setup for a CENSO run in a Python file could look like this:

from censo.ensembledata import EnsembleData
from censo.configuration import configure
from censo.ensembleopt import Prescreening, Screening, Optimization
from censo.properties import NMR
from censo.params import Config

# CENSO will put all files in the current working directory (os.getcwd())
input_path = "rel/path/to/your/inputfile" # path relative to the working directory
ensemble = EnsembleData(input_file=input_path) 
# the above can be used if you molecule is neutral and closed shell, otherwise
# it is necessary to proceed with e.g.
# ensemble = EnsembleData()
# ensemble.read_input(input_path, charge=-1, unpaired=1)

# If the user wants to use a specific rcfile:

# Get the number of available cpu cores on this machine
# This is also the default value that CENSO uses
# This number can also be set to any other integer value and automatically checked for validity
Config.NCORES = os.cpu_count()

# Another possibly important setting is OMP, which will get used if you disabled the automatic 
# load balancing in the settings
Config.OMP = 4

# The user can also choose to change specific settings of the parts
# Please take note of the following:
# - the settings of certain parts, e.g. Prescreening are changed using set_setting(name, value)
# - general settings are changed by using set_general_setting(name, value) (it does not matter which part you call it from)
# - the values you want to set must comply with limits and the type of the setting
Prescreening.set_setting("threshold", 5.0)
Prescreening.set_general_setting("solvent", "dmso")

# It is also possible to use a dict to set multiple values in one step
settings = {
    "threshold": 3.5,
    "func": "pbeh-3c",
    "implicit": True,
Screening.set_settings(settings, complete=False)  
# the complete kwarg tells the method whether to set the undefined settings using defaults or leave them on their current value

# Setup and run all the parts that the user wants to run
# Running the parts in order here, while it is also possible to use a custom order or run some parts multiple times
# Running a part will return an instance of the respective type
# References to the resulting part instances will be appended to a list in the EnsembleData object (ensemble.results)
# Note though, that currently this will lead to results being overwritten in your working directory
# (you could circumvent this by moving/renaming the folders)
results, timings = zip(*[part.run(ensemble) for part in [Prescreening, Screening, Optimization, NMR]])

# You access the results using the ensemble object
# You can also find all the results the <part>.json output files


CENSO is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

CENSO is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.