
All are written in Python 3. Some also have Go, JavaScript (Node.js), C#, C++ versions. Include test cases. To be convenient, often not follow Python pep8 snake coding style. IDE: VS Code & Atom. Include data structures, LeetCode problems. Convenient debugging by VSCode Setting

Primary LanguagePython

Some other coding problems in my inteviews

  1. reverse a string
  2. judge if a string is the substring of another string
  3. Hanoi tower
  4. use two stacks to implement a queue (pseudo code), https://leetcode.com/problems/implement-stack-using-queues/

Some questions in my interviews

  1. time complexity of merge sort
  2. what is the quickest search
  3. what is the worse case of hash table
  4. mouse maze, similar to LeetCode-490 The Maze (medium): https://leetcode.com/articles/the-maze/
  5. TicTacToe (LeetCode, my AI side project and React official site)

Some other interesting problems

  1. (Meta string) Checking if two strings contain the same characters regardless of order
  2. Regular Expression Puzzle: http://jimbly.github.io/regex-crossword

LeetCode favorite list

12 in easy(12) means that the first 12 problems in the list are in the first 200 leetcode problems which are used frequently.

Tips on LeetCode

Do not uncomment some pre-definition classes which are defined somewhere already, the system comments are just exploration e.g.

# Definition for singly-linked list.
# class ListNode:
#     def __init__(self, x):
#         self.val = x
#         self.next = None

interesting skills

two pointer method (caterpillar method), e.g:

Sometimes it is used in linked-list problems.



  • yarn install


  • yarn test (find all *.test.js in the root folder)
  • yarn test specific_folder (only that folder)


  1. (breakpoint) debugging while using Jest



  • pip install -U pytest


  • pytest -s (find all *-*.py test_*.py files in the current folder)
  • pytest -s single_file (only that file)



  1. in each folder, execute go build/go build xxx.go and executed the generated binary file


  1. execute go test xxx_test.go or go *.go to test 1 file/folder
  2. in root folder, go test ./... to test all sub folders. Issue: it will fail if any folder has c/cpp files. Use CGO_ENABLED=0 go test ./... if this happen.

How to debug Python, Go and Node.js with breakpoints

Select the file in VS code, then select the cooresponding config in Debug panel to launch.

Build and Debug C++ (experimental)

Take LeetCodeTests/1-twoSum.cpp as an example.

  • in terminal, type g++ -g 1-twoSum.cpp, then a.out (default name) will be generated.
  • select this file in VS code, then choose C++: currentFile_build-debug in Debug panel to build+launch.

.vscode/launch.json or tasks.json are for macOS, please read https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/languages/cpp to modify the cpp part of them if yours OS is not macOS.


  • need a framework to test all



Follow https://docs.microsoft.com/zh-tw/dotnet/core/tutorials/with-visual-studio-code to install .NET Core SDK and VSCode extension.

Then dotnet restore to install project dependencies.


Make your classes like LeetCodeTests/Solution1.cs, rules:

  1. class name is the same as file name.
  2. no duplicate file names.
  3. write your test case in test_solution function.
  4. (optional) add [TestClass] and [TestMethod] for run_all_tests runner.


  • select this file in VS code, then choose .NET Core: Current File in Debug panel to build+launch.

Run all tests at once

  • execute dotnet test to run all tests function which have [TestMethod]

The current C# namespace defined in the project is not aligned with the folder structure