
A Python CLI package to change terminal title on macOS. For zsh with "oh my zsh" theme, you need to set DISABLE_AUTO_TITLE=”true” in ~/.zshrc. Why it does not work on Windows & Ubuntu: https://github.com/grimmer0125/terminal-title-change/wiki. Download Stats: https://pepy.tech/project/termtitle

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

terminal title change

End user Installation via Homebrew

brew install termtitle

If it is not accessable, try

brew install https://raw.githubusercontent.com/grimmer0125/homebrew-core/termtitle/Formula/termtitle.rb

End user Installation via pip

Thare are several ways to install, and it depends on your Python environment and preference.

1. default system python + install globally (accessable for each user)

sudo pip install termtitle

2. default system python + install in current user folder

pin install --user termtitle.

But you need to add Python bin directories to PATH,

  • test it first, python2.7 -m site &> /dev/null && PATH="$PATH:`python2.7 -m site --user-base`/bin" (ref: https://stackoverflow.com/a/48380776/7354486)
  • termtitle random_title
  • if you see your titles change, then you can permanently change your PATH, echo 'export PATH="$PATH:`python2.7 -m site --user-base`/bin"' >>~/.bash_profile

3. Python3+pip3 (which might be from "brew install python3")

pip3 install termtitle.

4. non system Python of pyenv

pip install termtitle.


If you are using zsh and this package does not take effect, you might need to set DISABLE_AUTO_TITLE="true" in ~/.zshrc and restart shell to try again.

  • termtitle demo_project_root
  • termtitle 這是秘密的鋼彈計劃
  • termtitle サイボーグ009のメンバー
  • termtitle "" # reset the title to empty


local test:

  • Install: python setup.py install
  • Uninstall: pip uninstall termtitle


  1. change version="x.y.z in setup.py
  2. python setup.py check --restructuredtext -s do some check before publishing
  3. python setup.py sdist
  4. Use twine to publish: twine upload dist/*