convert mmdetection model to tensorrt, support fp16, int8, batch input, dynamic shape etc.
- 1 bug with mmdet2trt version 0.6.0
#132 opened by KaneiGi - 0
#131 opened by mirshah7789 - 3
- 1
Run “mmdet2trt -h”,it shows "ImportError: cannot import name 'create_meshgrid_plugin' from 'torch2trt_dynamic.plugins' (/home/jac/wmj/grid/torch2trt_dynamic/torch2trt_dynamic/plugins/". How can I fix it? I have installed torch2trt_dynamic.
#130 opened by superprogrammai - 6
MASKRCNN trt_model has Zero output
#106 opened by azuryl - 1
- 1
No module named 'torch2trt_dynamic.converters.Conv2d'
#113 opened by Oswells - 0
Welcome update to OpenMMLab 2.0
#125 opened by vansin - 0
- 0
- 0
Mask(segment) inference error occured.
#122 opened by jwyng2000 - 3
Thx to your great works. I have some problems on installing Amirstan_plugin. So can you help me?
#121 opened by jwyng2000 - 0
- 5
Converted engine fails on DeepStream: Detect-postprocessor failed to init resource because dlsym failed to get func NvDsInferParseMmdet pointer
#119 opened by xarauzo - 3
#assertion /amirstan_plugin/src/plugin/batchedNMSPlugin/batchedNMSPlugin.cpp,127
#117 opened by Kaeseknacker - 1
- 4
Convert DETR to TensorRT Error
#116 opened by Cverlpeng - 2
mmdetection 的cascade_dcn_fpn50 转化为tensorrt后,采用本项目,发现转化成deepstream的模型比转化成tensorrt的模型精度较低,有些类阈值很低,有啥排查方法么
#110 opened by pangchao-git - 0
- 6
Unable to convert Side Aware Boundary Localization: [checkSanity.cpp::checkSanity::106] Error Code 2: Internal Error
#112 opened by MeteoriteWeny - 3
Unable to convert FRCNN: Warning: Encountered known unsupported method torch.Tensor.new_tensor
#111 opened by Kaeseknacker - 1
unsupported operand type(s)
#109 opened by nvvnst - 3
- 8
Unable to generate mask results.
#85 opened by tehkillerbee - 7
- 3
- 3
- 8
do you have a plan for windows
#76 opened by lqyp0420 - 2
Size Mismatch
#102 opened by selimceylan - 1
- 0
inference score become low
#99 opened by Chen-cyw - 2
Setting opt_shape_param min_shape==opt_shape==max_shape does not work correctly.
#97 opened by tehkillerbee - 1
- 1
- 7
how to load generated model back in python?
#91 opened by lucasjinreal - 2
Can not convert custom mmdet to tensorrt
#92 opened by selimceylan - 1
- 2
- 3
Deformable DETR
#81 opened by fduxvtech - 0
inference cascade_rcnn has error
#77 opened by lqyp0420 - 8
Wrong detection boxes with FCOS detector
#75 opened by guillaume-michel - 5
- 3
Does model.engine depend on CUDA version?
#70 opened by Kaeseknacker - 1
- 1
- 5
Unable to use converted YOLOv3 model
#71 opened by minmaxmean - 2
- 1
solov2 support
#67 opened by elepherai - 1
Can't open output tensorrt model with Netron
#66 opened by chienkan - 1