
A node flickr module

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Flapi Build Status NPM version Code Climate

Feature Set

I know there are several existing node flickr modules, but... I thought the community could use one with the following features:

  • Simple api wrapper
  • Fully tested
  • Oauth support
  • Extra light dependency tree
  • Example code

Quick Start

With no user auth (public requests only)

var Flapi = require('flapi');
var flapiClient = new Flapi({
  oauth_consumer_key    : FLICKR_KEY,
  oauth_consumer_secret : FLICKR_SECRET

  method : 'flickr.cameras.getBrandModels',
  params : { brand : 'apple'},
  next : function(data){
    if(data.cameras && data.cameras.camera){

With user auth (user approved api requests)

Instantiate the flapi client:

var Flapi = require('flapi');
var flapiClient = new Flapi({
  oauth_consumer_key    : FLICKR_KEY,
  oauth_consumer_secret : FLICKR_SECRET

Prepare to listen for an http request from flickr and respond with anything:

var server = http.createServer(function(req, res){
  res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'});

Authenticate your application:


Prompt users to authenticate with your app by giving them the app auth url:

var url = flapiClient.getUserAuthURL();

Get the user's access token to make individual requests:

var userAccessToken;
  userAccessToken = accessToken;

Make requests on the user's behalf:

  method      : 'flickr.people.getPhotos',
  params      :  { user_id : userAccessToken.user_nsid },
  accessToken : userAccessToken,
  next        : function(data){
      console.log('User Photos: ', data)

Making API requests

Once you've authorized your application and have permissions from a user, you should be able to make api requests on their behalf.

With the exception of photo uploading, all api methods match the flickr documentation. To get a listing of photos, you'll need a user_id and the user's access token (the api_key is automatically sent via the access token). The request can be completed with the following:

  method      : 'flickr.people.getPhotos',
  params      :  { user_id : userAccessToken.user_nsid },
  accessToken : userAccessToken,
  next        : function(data){
      console.log('User Photos: ', data)
  • method - The flickr API Method
  • params - Any API options to send
  • accessToken - A user's unique access token
  • next - The callback used when the api call is complete

Uploading Photos

To upload a photo, use the method upload and pass the file path as param. Example:

  method      : 'upload',
  params      :  { photo : 'test/image.jpg' },
  accessToken : { 
    oauth_token: [access token returned after successful authorization],
    oauth_token_secret: [access token secret returned after successful authorization]
  next        : function(data){
      console.log('New Photo: ', data)

Setting Application permissions

According to the flickr documentation, you should be able to set your application's permission set (read, write, or delete) from the edit screen of your app. I've never been able to find these settings. Instead, you can set it in the flickr module constructor with the perms option:

var flapiClient = new Flapi({
  oauth_consumer_key    : FLICKR_KEY,
  oauth_consumer_secret : FLICKR_SECRET,
  perms                 : 'delete'

Unauthorized API Requests

Some of flickr's api methods don't require authorization (ex: flickr.cameras.getBrandModels and flickr.interestingness.getList). To use these without user authentication, omit the accessToken option from the api call:

  method : 'flickr.interestingness.getList',
  params : { brand : 'apple' },
  next   : function(data){
    console.log('TADA!', data)

Handling Errors

API errors are passed directly to the next function. You can catch them by checking the stat property of the data returned. In most scenarios a message property should also be passed.

  method : 'flickr.class.method',
  params : {},
  next   : function(data){
    if(data.stat == 'fail'){

Other Notes

If you're looking to have a client make the http request, delay the request for some reason, or want to handle the request on your own... you can prevent the call to flickr by passing the option preventCall : true. Regardless of this option, the full url of the intended request will always be passed back.

  var flickrAPIurl = flapiClient.api({
    method      : 'flickr.people.getPhotos',
    params      : { user_id : this.accessToken.user_nsid },
    accessToken : this.accessToken,
    preventCall : true

Data Persistence

To keep users from having to authenticate every time your node application restarts, you'll need to persist your application's oauth_token and oauth_token_secret as well as each user's individual access_token.

To instantiate the client with a token and secret, pass those properties when creating the object.

var flapiClient = new Flapi({
  oauth_consumer_key    : FLICKR_KEY,
  oauth_consumer_secret : FLICKR_SECRET,
  oauth_token           : FLICKR_OAUTH_TOKEN,
  oauth_token_secret    : FLICKR_OAUTH_TOKEN_SECRET

You only need to authorize your application once. If you're passing the token and secret, you can skip steps 2 and 3 described in the quick start above.


Using this module within express or any other node server framework should be fairly straight forward. Check out the examples directory of this project for more details.

Running the Tests

To run the tests, please make sure you've installed the project's dev dependencies and have the following environment variables set:

  • FLICKR_KEY - Your flickr application's key
  • FLICKR_SECRET - Your flickr application's secret
  • FLICKR_USERNAME - Your flickr user name, used to simulate a yahoo and flickr app authentication flow
  • FLICKR_PASSWORD - Your flickr password, used to simulate a yahoo and flickr app authentication flow

With Auth

Calling make test from the root of the project will run all tests in the correct order.

On occasion, the numerous flickr redirects required to simulate authentication will fail. This causes every subsequent test to then fail. If you're running tests and experience this oddity, just run again.

Without Auth

You can skip the auth steps and still test all the API methods by running make test-without-auth. For this to work, you'll also need the following environment variables set:

  • FLICKR_OAUTH_USER_TOKEN - Can retrieve this from the standard auth above.
  • FLICKR_OAUTH_USER_SECRET - Can retrieve this from the standard auth above.
  • FLICKR_NSID - Can retrieve this from the standard auth above.
  • FLICKR_USERNAME - Not currently used in the tests, but good to include anyways