
GHC Whole Program Compiler and External STG IR tooling

Primary LanguageHaskell

GHC whole program compiler project

The project consists of GHC wpc-plugin and the corresponding External STG IR and tooling.

The wpc-plugin is a compiler plugin for GHC 9.6 or newer. It exports the STG IR (.modpak) for the compiled modules and linker metadata (.ghc_stgapp) at application link time.

Presentation video


External STG tools (Ext-STG)

  • gen-exe main compiler driver, it produces executable from .ghc_stgapp files.
  • gen-obj compiles STG IR files .o_stgbin to object code .o. (gen-exe calls it)
  • ext-stg CLI tool for external STG IR, it can pretty print .o_stgbin files.


  • to make it easy to develop new backends for GHC without extending Cabal with new targets
  • to facilitate compiler/PL research that needs real world programs to analyse
  • to allow whole program analysis (new insights might be adopted to incremental compilers)
  • to escape from GHC codebase to the mainstream Haskell UX/DX that allows to use any library
  • to allow program observation with arbitrary precision
  • to make it easy to focus on the compiler backend development without hacking GHC
  • to allow other compilers to target GHC/STG and the feature rich RTS


external stg tooling

stack install


  1. Install zip-cmd, a simple CLI for the zip package
    cabal install zip-cmd
  2. Compile the wpc-plugin The wpc-plugin has a speparate stack.yaml because it uses the plugin API of GHC 9.6.1.
    cd wpc-plugin
    stack build
  3. Find the built libwpc-plugin.[so|dylib|dll]
    ln -s `find . -type f -name 'libwpc-plugin.so' -o -name 'libwpc-plugin.dylib' -o -name 'libwpc-plugin.dll' | head -1`


It is required to use GHC 9.6.1.


Add the following lines to your project's cabal.project:

package *


Add the following lines to your project's stack.yaml:

apply-ghc-options: everything



  • export IdInfo (without it gen-exe compiles -O0 executables)

UnZip with Zstd support

The .modpak and .fullpak files use Zstd compression method that was introduced in the Zip 6.3.8 standard in 2020.
The GHC-WPC tooling can handle Zstd zip files out of the box.
But if you'd like to unpack the .modpak and .fullpak files manually then you'll need an unzip version with Zstd support.