Business management software

Callum Pritchard

This software is to be run on a linux distro due it's linux file calling functions within the login form

Admin credentials

username: admin password: a12345678@

Secretary credentials

username: dan password: d@nisamaz90

Moderator can press the moderator button to automatically be placed as an admin within the program, Moderator credentials don't exist they just load the main menu directly for ease


First create a virtual environment unless you have admin permission and rights to install new software

To create a virtual environment use

virtualenv -p python3 [DEST]

then go to DEST and use the below command

source bin/activate

then install the requirements

Requirements are listed in req.txt, they must be installed with pip3, may need pre-pending with sudo -H

pip3 install -r req.txt

If any error arises you will need to install the requirements manually with the below command

pip3 install

To install PyQt5 you must use the command

pip3 install pyqt5

File structure

root: holds README, initial script, file for backing up and requirements bin: holds forms and python shared routines bin/forms: holds forms

Backing up

You will need to obtain a new version of a file called client_secrets.json instructions can be found here:

The file must be stored in project root and named as listed above to work


Backing up must be completed when started or the GUI will crash this couldn't be put in a different thread as the drive integration would not start


The program must be run from project root and with command python3

The program loads with 1280x720 resolution and works best on any resolution equal to or better than it, it doesn't support scaling


The email regular expression used is from

The postcode regular expression is an optimised version of the below (page 6)