
Friendly alternative to savage substring practices.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Snippet Cutter

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Returns a subset of a string, composed by complete subsets found using delimeter between min and max length. If no complete subsets are found, returns a subset using length max and ellipsis.

Get Started

npm install snippet-cutter


cutter(string, [options])

Returns string processed. The options parameter is optional, but must be an Object if specified, containing zero or more of the following properties:

  • delimiter: String used to split subsets. (String; default: '.')
  • min: Min string length for valid subset match. (Number; default: 1)
  • max: Max string length for valid subset match. (Number; default: 140)
  • ellipsis: Ending string when no complete subset is found. (String; default: '...')


var cutter = require('snippet-cutter')

cutter(string, options)
// → 'result subset of string'


See the License file.