
Command line load testing tool via nodejs. Think AB, but with less features.

Use this lib to issue requests against the some url. You can define the number of simultaneous clients and how many requests they'll issue. You wanna submit form variables with your requests? No, problem.

Node Compatibility

This library was tested with node v0.1.101.

Hammer Time!

See help:

$ node hammer.js --help 

This command fires up 5 clients and issues 10K requests per client:

$ node hammer.js GET http://localhost:8000/ 5 10000

Form Parameters

If you need to submit form variables then create a file and place it in the form directory. The data object is then copied to either the querystring (GET) or body (POST) for each request.

Example from test.js:

exports.data = {'foo':'bar'}

Run command:

$ node hammer.js POST http://localhost:8000/ 5 10000 --form=./form/test.js

This file is required so make sure you use ./

Simple Report

When the process finishes, you'll see a report like this:

Request method: POST
Request uri: http://localhost:8000/
Num of clients: 5
Requests per client: 1000

Total requests: 5000
Average response time: 0.0059382000000001295 (ms)
Requests per second: 714.2857142857143
Errors: 0