= FileNVRAM.dylib =

FileNVRAM copyright © 2013-2017 xZenue LLC.
FileNVRAM is licensed under the Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported license.
	Please see the license file for details

=      Bugs       =

Please report any bugs at https://public.xzenue.com/bugzilla/

=   Requirements  =

 - Chameleon r2181 or newer

=      Usage      =

- Install the FileNVRAM.dylib to /Extra/modules/
- Reboot

Use the nvram command to manipulate variables

- bootArgs:

“-FileNVRAMng” disable random-gen the ROM/MLB values.

“-FileNVRAMro” makes FileNVRAM.kext to be read only. This allow external scripts/Applications to dump the nvram to a custom place (e.g. in the ESP).

“-EnableLogging” enable the debug log of FileNVRAM.kext, disabled by default.

“-NoFileNVRAM” cause the FileNVRAM to do nothing by returning false inside its start() method.