Vite Sibling TSConfig Bug

When importing a typescript file from a sibling directory to the vite directory, whether by relative imports or via an alias, neither the tsconfig.json settings of the vite directory nor of the sibling directory are applied.

To reproduce:

  • clone the repo: git clone
  • run yarn or npm i in the vite subdirectory
  • run yarn or npm i in the sibling directory.
  • run yarn dev or npm run dev in the vite subdirectory.

In this demonstration, identical files (./vite/src/lib/mobxNonSiblingDemo and ./sibling/src/mobxSiblingDemo) are imported into App.svelte.

The tsconfig compilerOptions.useDefineForClassFields is respected and compiled correctly for the file in the vite/src/lib directory, but not for the one in the sibling/src directory. As a result, it becomes impossible to observe certain properties on mobx stores.

Relevant Files:

vite-sibling-tsconfig (root)
│   └──src
│   │  │- App.svelte
│   │  │
│   │  └──lib
│   │      │- mobxNonSiblingDemo.ts
│   │
|   │- tsconfig.json        
    │  │- mobxSiblingDemo.ts
    │- tsconfig.json