
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Toro-Space 🚀🌎

Toro Space is a platform made to extend the reach of clubs and organizations at California State University, Dominguez Hills to students looking for a way to interact with and learn more about their campus communities.

Toro Space Screenshot

Tech Stack ⚙️

Frontend (UI/UX)

Backend (Server/API)

Microservices (Server/RPC)

Database (SQL)

Running Locally 💻


  • Frontend
    • Node.js v22.1.0 or higher & Node Package Manager (npm) v10.7.0 or higher [Download]
  • Backend
  • Microservices
    • Python v3.8.19
      • (Recommended) Conda for version control [Download]
    • Protocol Buffers (protbuf) compiler protoc [Download]
  • Database (SQL)


  1. Clone the repository to your local machine.

Open your terminal and type in:

# Clone using git
git clone https://github.com/grivera64/Toro-Space.git

# Enter the cloned project
cd Toro-Space

Important ❗️: The root of the cloned repository (Toro-Space) will be denoted by //.

Example: //README.md is Toro-Space/README.md

  1. Train (might take a long time based on your GPU power)

In the same terminal, run:

# Inside of //microservices 
cd microservices

# If using Conda for python, uncomment the below
# conda create -n toro-space python=3.8
# conda activate toro-space

python install_requirements.py
python spam_detector_emails.py

Note: If the training is too long, you can use the provided spam_detector_model folder already provided and move on to step 3.

  1. Run microservices

In the same terminal, run:

# Still inside of //microservices 
# cd Toro-Space/microservices

# If you have not already done it
# in the above step, run this command:
# python install_requirements.py

python spam_detector.py
  1. Build backend

In a different terminal, run:

# Inside of //backend
cd Toro-Space/backend

# Create and fill out an .env file
# with Google Auth Fields from the tutorial:
# https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/oauth2
mkdir ./bin
cp .env.example ./bin/.env

# Build backend server
cd cmd
go build . -o ./bin/toro_space
  1. Run backend

In the same terminal, run:

# Still inside of //backend
# cd Toro-Space/backend

cd ./bin
  1. Build frontend

In a different terminal, run:

# Inside of //frontend
cd Toro-Space/frontend

# Install npm dependencies
npm install
  1. Run frontend
# Still inside of //frontend
# cd Toro-Space/frontend

# Run frontend server
npm start

Note: If you want to stop running the server, you must ctrl + c the terminals with a running program.

Author 💻