
docs.peeringdb.com site

Primary LanguageHTML

PeeringDB Documentation

As viewable at http://docs.peeringdb.com/

NOTE Please do not put issues here anymore, new issues should be created at https://github.com/peeringdb/peeringdb/issues

Modifying these docs

To work on and change these documents, you'll need git, python, and pip.

  • CentOS
    sudo yum install python-pip

Fork the repo

Clone the repo

git clone git@github.com:$GITHUB_USERNAME/docs.git
cd docs

Install MkDocs and other requirements

pip install -r facsimile/requirements-docs.txt

Start mkdocs

mkdocs serve

or, if you'd like to specify the port, use -a $ADDRESS:$PORT, for example:

mkdocs serve -a

You should now see a message similar to: Serving on

Point your browser at that URL, and you'll get real time updates to the generated documentation as you edit.

Markdown has its own formatting syntax, to get started look here for an excellent cheatsheet.

Updating the site

Once you are happy with your changes, commit and push, then run

mkdocs gh-deploy

After that, you will be able to view your changes at $GITHUB_USER.github.io/docs.

Updating your fork

The first time you want to do it, you need to add a remote with

git remote add upstream git@github.com:peeringdb/docs.git

After that, to sync to the upstream repo and verify requirements

git fetch upstream
git merge upstream/master
pip install -r facsimile/requirements-docs.txt