- 13
- 6
burp server silently closing connection
#930 opened by BartMassey - 3
Summary e-Mail is always blank
#928 opened by fuzzyeric - 4
- 3
Restore Windows Server 2022 inetpub files error
#927 opened by jvdb87 - 2
- 3
Question : why speed is slow on first backup ?
#925 opened by KaleiRo - 2
Configuring 2 clients for 2 servers on one instance
#924 opened by Gilauk - 3
Feature to "pin" or "protect" backup (prevent from automatic deleting by the keep setting)
#903 opened by anhtbnlpq9 - 14
- 1
SSL error triggered when max_children is hit
#917 opened by grke - 14
Backup stuck on "End of file in forward_past_entry()"
#914 opened by rongten - 2
EVP_CipherInit_ex failed - 2.4.0 on ARCH
#922 opened by t-dan - 5
error in readdir: Unknown error
#921 opened by moterpent - 2
About 3.1.4 release
#920 opened by chenrui333 - 0
Only restore newer files
#919 opened by grke - 12
OpenSSL 3 support
#904 opened by kalos - 4
burp fails cert validation w/ OpenSSL 3.0
#916 opened by nitro322 - 2
Burp on aarch64 (arm64): supported?
#915 opened by arjan-s - 6
Burp stops in phase 2 when encountering crazy filename
#912 opened by kepi - 1
Burp Server not Restoring To Burp Windows Client
#911 opened by compumatter - 2
Start on server boot
#910 opened by compumatter - 2
- 5
burp 2.4.0 make test fails on musl
#908 opened by antonfischl1980 - 1
unexpected command in deal_with_read()
#907 opened by robin-waarts - 8
3.1.0 server seems incompatible with 2.5.2 clients
#906 opened by vt-alt - 0
[Feature Request]
#905 opened by drbuckingham - 2
Documentation differs between homepage and config file
#899 opened by Boldie - 1
S3 backend as new feature
#884 opened by ops34 - 4
CA cert upgrade manual
#901 opened by pagalba-com - 19
- 6
Macos forward_past_entry() stuck repeat cycle
#902 opened by pagalba-com - 5
Wishes for 2022
#896 opened by vt-alt - 6
main socket 5: network read problem in asfd_do_read_ssl: 5 - 110=Connection timed out
#900 opened by vt-alt - 2
If you have huge files that get touched, problem to complete backup, exclude_logic question
#898 opened by pagalba-com - 6
Problems building Windows Client
#897 opened by mikaku - 2
- 1
compiler Warning Werror=format-security
#894 opened by kalos - 2
restore_file error
#891 opened by GusevVictor - 4
Delete not deletable known-broken backups
#890 opened by vt-alt - 9
Windows: “Error in phase 2”
#889 opened by 4001982248998 - 2
- 4
- 1
Store salt in the file, not manifest
#886 opened by grke - 2
- 3
Windows restore warning "Access denied"
#885 opened by rpelissi - 2
- 2
burp v 2.2.18 won't backup folder just files
#882 opened by GusevVictor - 1
- 2
Cross-system restore
#879 opened by t-dan