A 'play' Project to download the pages of an old book and process them to analyze the color content.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptThe UnlicenseUnlicense


This project is a play project. Its intent is to download all the pages of an old book. Process all the pixels (after some manual cropping ot the page content) then assist in analysis of the colors in the pages to allow for the creation of a color pallet for what i hope to replace my Old Book IDE Color Scheme.

Because the book in question's content is public and it is an item of world heritage i feel somewhat free doing it, but since i havent permission and dont wish to tax the organization's website i will not specify the Organization nor the Book in question.


  • Node (12)
  • TypeScript (3, via NPM)
  • Posix OS (Mac or Linux)
    • cURL

Post Processing

  • Google Protobuff (3, via NPM)
  • ArangoDB (driver via NPM, DB Service on another LAN computer)


Download Images: index.ts and data.js

index.ts is the primary download handling loop. It simply imports the data.js file as a living object and processes the files by downloading them via cURL. You will have to find this file yourself (once youve fogured out the book and its source).

Post Processing Scripts

All post processing scripts are found in the post-processing/ directory.

Compile Google Protobuff: proc.sh and pixels.proto

Process the Google Protobuff specification (pixels.proto) in to pbuff.js and pbuff.d.ts. These structures are used in the intermediate step where we decompile the JPEG images in to raw color data.

Convert JPEG files to protobuff intermediates: jpeg-get-pixels.ts/jpeg-get-pixels-service.ts

Process the JPEG image data in to protobuff intermediate files.

Import Protobuff intermediate data format in to ArangoDB: add-to-arango.ts/add-to-arango-service.ts

Import all of the protobuff data in to the graph database (ArangoDB) for future processing.

Requiring color_data_out.json

Some processing files require dumps from the resulting Arango DB. This can be exported from Arango via the JSON export functionality using the following AQL:

FOR doc IN @@collection
  COLLECT name = doc._to
  AGGREGATE cnt = SUM(doc.count)
  RETURN {color: name, count: cnt}

Note: You can speed up this query by adding an index to colorAssociations._to

This file should have JSON content that matches the interface:

type colorData = {"color": string; "count": number}[]
Generate a Color "contact" list: colors-out.ts

Dumps an HTML render of colors to STDOUT based on the color_data_out.json file data.