
Setup and configure r10k for use with git based environments in puppet

Primary LanguagePuppet


This is the r10k setup module. It has a base class to configure r10k to synchronize dynamic environments. You can be simply used by declaring it:

class { 'r10k':
  remote => 'git@github.com:someuser/puppet.git',

This will configure /etc/r10k.yaml and install the r10k gem after installing ruby using the puppetlabs/ruby module. It also has a few helper classes that do some useful things. The following will add a prerun_command to puppet.conf.

include r10k::prerun_command

The concept here is that this is declared on the puppet master(s) that have been configured with r10k. This will cause r10k to synchronize before each puppet run. Any errors synchronizing will be logged to the standard puppet run.

An mcollective agent is included in this module which can be used to do on demand synchronization. This mcollective application and agent can be installed on all masters using the following class

include r10k::mcollective

Using mco you can then trigger mcollective to call r10k using

mco r10k synchronize

An example post-recieve hook is included in the files directory. This hook can automatically cause code to synchronize on your servers at time of push in git.


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