
Primary LanguageC++



To compile the code simply run the make command in the root directory. This will compile all of the source files into an executable named dijkstra.


No dependencies other than the standard C/C++ libraries are required.

Working on Ubuntu 14.04 with gnu gcc version 4.8.4
Working on Windows 10 with gnu gcc version 4.9.3 (run using CygWin)
Working on Mac OS 10.11.3


Run the program using the dijkstra command. By default, it will prompt the user for command line input. If you want to input a file, use the -f or --file flags followed by the path to the input file. To see the help message use the -h or --help flags.


Input from file: ./dijkstra -f {file_path}
Input from console: ./dijkstra


The program will output all of the possible optional paths from the source to the destination along with their lengths as well as the shortest path using only existing roads along with its length. Additionally, it will explicitly state which, if any, of the optional paths produces a shorter route from source to destination than the shortest path using only existing roads.