
Find websites via nmap results.

Primary LanguagePython

All of these lack stealth or slow and low style. They are loud and will cause attention.

web_hammer.py - if you use Metasploit and export the services to a csv file, this will essentially bombard all the webish ports looking for 200 codes, following those redirects. Outputs all the urls to a txt file so you can use EyeWitness.py to do some fancy screenshots and reporting.

web_search.py: Short script to run nikto and dirb against a list of hosts and open ports from an nmap file. Supply the path to the nmap file. The directory path is all it needs, not the file itself. It will look for it in the path you give it. I've run the script with simple directing to a txt file: ./web_search.py ./path/to/nmap > outfile.txt

web_search_nmap.py: Take an nmap file to check for 200 codes, using Find-Fruit type dictionary.