
Specification and test suite for any-db database adapters

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This repo specifies the API that must be implemented by an Any-DB adapter. The API is described in this README using jsig and prose, and the test suite can be used by adapter implementations to ensure they conform.

Because this documentation is primarily intended for end-users of Any-DB, it begins by describing the objects an adapter must create. The final section describes the exact API for creating these objects that an adapter must implement.


  • Queryable - a common interface implemented by connections, pools, and transactions.
  • Connection - the "transport" responsible for getting SQL queries to a database, and streaming results back through a Query instance.
  • Query - a Readable stream that emits row objects.


All callbacks used by the API follow convention used in node.js, where first parameter is an error (or null) and other parameters (if any) depend on use case.

type Continuation<T> : (Error | null, T) => void


Queryable := EventEmitter & {
  adapter: Adapter
  query:   (text: String, params?: Array, Continuation<ResultSet>?) => Query
  query:   (Query) => Query

Known implementations:


The Adapter instance that will be used by this Queryable for creating Query instances and/or connections.


(text: String, params?: Array, Continuation<ResultSet>?) => Query
(Query) => Query

Execute a SQL statement using bound parameters (if they are provided) and return a Query object that is a Readable stream of the resulting rows. If a Continuation<ResultSet> is provided the rows returned by the database will be aggregated into a [ResultSet][] which will be passed to the continuation after the query has completed.

The second form is not needed for normal use, but must be implemented by adapters to work correctly with ConnectionPool and Transaction. See Adapter.createQuery for more details.


queryable.query('SELECT * FROM my_table', function (err, res) {
  if (err) return console.error(err)
  console.log('All done!')


queryable.query('SELECT * FROM my_table')
  .on('error', console.error)
  .on('data', console.log)
  .on('end', function () { console.log('All done!') })

Queryable events

Query event

The 'query' event is emitted immediately before a query is executed.

One argument is passed to event handlers:


Connection := Queryable & {
  end: (Continuation<void>?) => void

Known implementations:

Connection objects are obtained using createConnection from Any-DB or ConnectionPool.acquire, both of which delegate to the createConnection implementation of the specified adapter.

While all Connection objects implement the Queryable interface, the implementations in each adapter may add additional methods or emit additional events. If you need to access a feature of your database that is not described here (such as Postgres' server-side prepared statements), consult the documentation for your adapter.


(Continuation<void>) => void

Close the database connection. If a continuation is provided it will be called after the connection has closed.

Connection Events

Error event

The 'error' event is emitted when there is a connection-level error.

No arguments are passed to event listeners.

Open event

The 'open' event is emitted when the connection has been established and is ready to query.

No arguments are passed to event listeners.

Close event

The 'close' event is emitted when the connection has been closed.

No arguments are passed to event listeners.


Query := Readable<Object> & {
  text: String,
  values?: Array,
  callback?: Continuation<ResultSet>

Query objects are returned by the Queryable.query method, available on connections, pools, and transactions. Queries are instances of Readable, and as such can be piped through transforms and support backpressure for more efficient memory-usage on very large results sets. (Note: at this time the sqlite3 driver does not support backpressure)

Internally, Query instances are created by a database Adapter and may have more methods, properties, and events than are described here. Consult the documentation for your specific adapter to find out about any extensions.


The SQL query as a string. If you are using MySQL this will contain interpolated values after the query has been enqueued by a connection.


The array of parameter values.


The callback (if any) that was provided to Queryable.query. Note that Query objects must not use a closed over reference to their callback, as other any-db libraries may rely on modifying the callback property of a Query they did not create.

Query Events

Error event

The 'error' event is emitted at most once per query. Note that this event will be emitted for errors even if a callback was provided, the callback will simply be subscribed to the 'error' event.

One argument is passed to event listeners:

  • error - the error object.

Fields event

A 'fields' event is emmitted before any 'data' events.

One argument is passed to event listeners:

  • fields - an array of [Field][ResultSet] objects.

Readable events

The following events are part of the Readable interface which is implemented by Query:

Data event

A 'data' event is emitted for each row in the query result set.

One argument is passed to event listeners:

  • row contains the contents of a single row in the query result

Close event

A 'close' event is emitted when the query completes.

No arguments are passed to event listeners.

End event

An 'end' event is emitted after all query results have been consumed.

No arguments are passed to event listeners.


ResultSet := {
  fields:        Array<Field>
  rows:          Array<Object<Any>>
  rowCount:      Integer
  lastInsertId?: Any

Field := {
  name: String
  {* other properties are driver specific *}

ResultSet objects are just plain data that collect results of a query when a continuation is provided to Queryable.query. The lastInsertId is optional, and currently supported by sqlite3 and mysql but not postgres, because it is not supported by Postgres itself.


Adapter: {
  name:             String
  createConnection: (Object, Continuation<Connection>?) => Connection,
  createQuery:      (String, Array?, Continuation<ResultSet>?) => Query,

This section is mostly intended for adapter authors, other users should rarely need to interact with this API directly.


The string name of the adapter, e.g. 'mysql', 'postgres' or 'sqlite3'.


(config: Object, Continuation<Connection>?) => Connection

Create a new connection object. In common usage, config will be created by parse-db-url and passed to the adapter by any-db.

If a continuation is given, it must be called, either with an error or the established connection.

See also: the Connection API


(text: String, params?: Array, Continuation<ResultSet>?) => Query
(Query) => Query {* returns same Query *}

Create a Query that may eventually be executed later on by a Connection. While this function is rarely needed by user code, it makes it possible for ConnectionPool.query and Transaction.query to fulfill the Queryable.query contract by synchronously returning a Query stream.


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