
Filetype detection

Closed this issue · 7 comments

.less are not being automatically recognised as less files. I'm not sure if something on my vim setup may be screwing up :\

This is my vimrc:

Anything I could look at?

You could attempt removing bits and pieces until it starts working? Are you sure the plugin is being loaded with your package manager?

Hum, the plugin seems to be loading because if I manually set filetype=less, everything works. What I did noticed is: other filetype plugins I installed are not working either, so the problem is not specific about this project. I'll report it to vundle itself.

I too am experiencing this issue — filetype is not detected upon opening a less file or switching to a buffer with a less file.

Installed via Vundle. However if I manually set ft=less, then syntax colouring works.

@bongoman did you follow the instructions about disabling filetype before loading vundle? That did the trick for me.

No, can't find those instructions — are they here on the gihub issues page somewhere? Is that something I do in my .vimrc?

Ah, it's a more general Vundle issue — ok, implementing now, filtype on is the first line in my vimrc — thanks for the headsup

Yes! It works, thanks!

They're on the vundle readme. Just put a filetype off right before the
vundle initialization and filetype on right after
On Dec 10, 2013 7:03 PM, "bongoman" wrote:

No, can't find those instructions — are they here on the gihub issues page
somewhere? Is that something I do in my .vimrc?

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