
The MongoDB Database And The MySQL Database at the same time

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

A merge of mysql-server and mongodb. Demonstrating `git merge --allow-unrelated-histories`. TBD: find out if licenses are compatible.

MySQL Server 5.7

This is a release of MySQL, a dual-license SQL database server.
For the avoidance of doubt, this particular copy of the software
is released under the version 2 of the GNU General Public License.
MySQL is brought to you by Oracle.

Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

License information can be found in the COPYING file.

MySQL FOSS License Exception
We want free and open source software applications under certain
licenses to be able to use specified GPL-licensed MySQL client
libraries despite the fact that not all such FOSS licenses are
compatible with version 2 of the GNU General Public License.
Therefore there are special exceptions to the terms and conditions
of the GPLv2 as applied to these client libraries, which are
identified and described in more detail in the FOSS License
Exception at

This distribution may include materials developed by third
parties. For license and attribution notices for these
materials, please refer to the documentation that accompanies
this distribution (see the "Licenses for Third-Party Components"
appendix) or view the online documentation at

GPLv2 Disclaimer
For the avoidance of doubt, except that if any license choice
other than GPL or LGPL is available it will apply instead,
Oracle elects to use only the General Public License version 2
(GPLv2) at this time for any software where a choice of GPL
license versions is made available with the language indicating
that GPLv2 or any later version may be used, or where a choice
of which version of the GPL is applied is otherwise unspecified.

For further information about MySQL or additional documentation,
- The latest information about MySQL: http://www.mysql.com
- The current MySQL documentation: http://dev.mysql.com/doc

Some Reference Manual sections of special interest:
- If you are migrating from an older version of MySQL, please
  read the "Upgrading from..." section.
- To see what MySQL can do, take a look at the features section.
- For installation instructions, see the Installing and Upgrading
- For the new features/bugfix history, see the MySQL Change History

You can browse the MySQL Reference Manual online or download it
in any of several formats at the URL given earlier in this file.
Source distributions include a local copy of the manual in the
Docs directory.


Welcome to MongoDB!


  mongod - The database server.
  mongos - Sharding router.
  mongo  - The database shell (uses interactive javascript).


  mongodump         - Create a binary dump of the contents of a database.
  mongorestore      - Restore data from the output created by mongodump.
  mongoexport       - Export the contents of a collection to JSON or CSV.
  mongoimport       - Import data from JSON, CSV or TSV.
  mongofiles        - Put, get and delete files from GridFS.
  mongostat         - Show the status of a running mongod/mongos.
  bsondump          - Convert BSON files into human-readable formats.
  mongooplog        - Poll the oplog and apply to a local server.
  mongoreplay       - Traffic capture and replay tool.
  mongotop          - Track time spent reading and writing data.


  See docs/building.md.


  For command line options invoke:

    $ ./mongod --help

  To run a single server database:

    $ sudo mkdir -p /data/db
    $ ./mongod
    $ # The mongo javascript shell connects to localhost and test database by default:
    $ ./mongo
    > help


  Client drivers for most programming languages are available at
  https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/applications/drivers/. Use the shell
  ("mongo") for administrative tasks.


  See https://github.com/mongodb/mongo/wiki/Submit-Bug-Reports.


  Packages are created dynamically by the package.py script located in the
  buildscripts directory. This will generate RPM and Debian packages.







    A forum for technical questions about using MongoDB.


    A forum for technical questions about building and developing MongoDB.




  Most MongoDB source files (src/mongo folder and below) are made available
  under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (GNU AGPLv3). See
  individual files for details.