
Python script to download content from rd.springer.com easily

Primary LanguagePythonThe UnlicenseUnlicense

not maintained right now


Script that should help to download all kinds of content from http://rd.springer.com. This will sometime include books, journals, etc.

Current state

It's a work in progress for now. The only it can do so far is to download books (e.g. Book "Theoretische Informatik"). See "what it does" for more information.

What it does

Using springer-dl.py http://rd.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-8348-9853-1/page/1 TI.pdf will start the download of each chapter and cover of the given book. After the download it will merge it into one single file TI.pdf.

What it needs

  • Python 3.x (I used 3.3 while developing it, not yet testet with other versions!)
  • pdftk (for the merge process)
  • imagemagick (to convert covers into PDF files)
  • beautifulsoup4 & requests (see requirements.txt)


  • support journals
  • allow multiple URLs at once
  • better user feedback
  • better error handling
  • support more tools (instead of only pdftk and imagemagick)
  • proxy support
  • some way to allow the user to log-in (I don't need that as I'm logged in automatically while browsing from university's network)
  • Python 2.x support
  • look out for TODO comments ;-)
