
Fakturoid PHP bindings

Primary LanguagePHP

Fakturoid PHP lib

PHP library for Fakturoid.cz. Please see API for more documentation. New account just for testing API and using separate user (created via "Nastavení > Uživatelé a oprávnění") for production usage is higly recommended.


require_once '/path/to/lib/Fakturoid.php';
$f = new Fakturoid('..slug..', '..user@email.cz..', '..api_key..', 'PHPlib <your@email.cz>');

// create subject
$subject = $f->create_subject(array('name' => 'Firma s.r.o.', 'email' => 'aloha@pokus.cz'));

// create invoice with lines
$lines   = array(array('name' => 'Big sale', 'quantity' => 1, 'unit_price' => 1000));
$invoice = $f->create_invoice(array('subject_id' => $subject->id, 'lines' => $lines));

// send created invoice
$f->fire_invoice($invoice->id, 'deliver');

// to mark invoice as paid
$f->fire_invoice($invoice->id, 'pay'); // or 'pay_proforma' for paying proforma and 'pay_partial_proforma' for partial proforma

Handling errors

Library raises FakturoidException if server returns code 4xx or 5xx. You can get response code and response body by calling getCode() or getMessage().

try {
  $subject = $f->create_subject(array('name' => '', 'email' => 'aloha@pokus.cz'));
} catch (FakturoidException $e) {
  $e->getCode(); // 422
  $e->getMessage(); // '{"errors":{"name":["je povinná položka","je příliš krátký/á/é (min. 2 znaků)"]}}'

Common problems

  • ensure you have certificates for curl present - either globaly in php.ini or call curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CAINFO, "/path/to/cacert.pem")
  • in case of problem please contact our invoicing robot on podpora@fakturoid.cz