
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This tool is used for

  • text processing and analysis of multiple folders of multiple PDF files (currently not working)
  • Combining search results from multiple journal databases and annotating articles with journal rankings


  • Google Scholar too often returns "unscholarly" articles.
  • Using "scholarly" journal databases results in duplicates and combining multiple search results into a single spreadsheet

Use Case

If a researcher had two research questions:
RQ1: How are literature reviews automated?
RQ2: What are the meta concepts of literature reviews?

Then search keyword sets would look something like:
SKS1: (literature AND review) AND (automated)
SKS2: (literature AND review) AND (meta)

Searching for these SKSs across five journal databases would result in 10 result sets which would then have to be:

  1. Checked for duplicates
  2. Checked for journal reputation
  3. Combined into a single usable spreadsheet

By using this tool, these 10 result sets still must be searched and downloaded, but steps 1-3 are now automated.

Research Databases Currently Supported


  1. Download this codebase
  2. Go to webofknowledge.com and search for (literature AND review) AND (automated).
  3. Click on "Export" and download the Excel file of the results.
  4. Create a folder in input called sks1
  5. Move your downloaded file into sks1
  6. Repeat the previous on scopus.com
  7. Repeat the previous with the search (literature AND review) AND (meta) and folder name sks2
  8. Run the program
  9. Open combined_searches.xlsx and see that your search keyword set results have been combined, duplicates have been removed, journal rankings have been assigned, and the data has been normalized.

Installation and Execution

  1. Check that python and git are properly installed. If not, google how to do that.
  2. Check that pip is installed. If not, google how to do that.
  3. Git clone this project
  4. Run pip install -r requirements.txt
  5. Run python3 runner.py


  • Keyword search functionality across folders/pdfs
  • Make metadata an xlsx file instead of json for better UX